Tag Archives: dental emergency

Dental Pain: Call Us for Toothache Pain Relief in San Antonio

Toothache Pain Relief

Not every dental issue is a dental emergency. For example, a mild toothache is probably not an immediate emergency, but a toothache pain consisting of severe pain, or any swelling or bleeding is definitely a dental emergency and you should see Dr. Skrobanek and his team at GPS Dental for RELIEF!! Call us right away at 210-633-3477 for an emergency appointment or for a preventative dental appointment to help avoid toothaches in the future.

A toothache consisting of severe pain, swelling, or bleeding is considered a dental emergency for several reasons. Here are some of the key factors:

  1. Pain Management: Severe tooth pain can be debilitating and affect your overall well-being. It can interfere with your ability to eat, sleep, and carry out daily activities. Seeking prompt dental care can help alleviate the pain and provide relief.
  2. Infection Control: Dental issues such as severe tooth decay or a dental abscess can lead to infections. If left untreated, these infections can spread to other parts of the body, causing more serious health problems. Prompt dental intervention is crucial to control and eliminate the infection.
  3. Prevention of Complications: Dental problems can escalate quickly, and delaying treatment may lead to complications. For example, a dental abscess can progress to a more serious condition, such as cellulitis, which is a bacterial skin infection. Timely dental care can prevent such complications.
  4. Preservation of Teeth: Addressing dental emergencies promptly increases the likelihood of saving a tooth. Conditions such as a cracked tooth, severe decay, or a knocked-out tooth may have a better chance of being treated successfully if attended to without delay.
  5. Swelling and Bleeding Control: Swelling in the mouth can be a sign of infection or other underlying issues. Additionally, uncontrolled bleeding may occur due to trauma or other dental problems. Immediate dental attention is crucial to assess and address these issues to prevent further complications.
  6. Dental Trauma: Accidents or injuries can result in dental trauma, such as a fractured or dislodged tooth. Quick intervention by a dentist increases the chances of saving the affected tooth and preventing further damage.
  7. Preventive and Restorative Measures: Dental emergencies often require immediate intervention for preventive and restorative measures. This may include draining an abscess, performing a root canal, extracting a severely damaged tooth, or providing pain relief through medication.

Extreme toothache pain with swelling, or bleeding should be treated as a dental emergency because timely intervention can alleviate pain, prevent the spread of infection, avoid complications, and increase the chances of preserving teeth and overall oral health. If you experience such symptoms, it is essential to seek prompt attention from a dentist.

Related Article: Painful Dental Emergency: We Can Get You OUT OF PAIN in San Antonio!!

What is a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency is when an accident or emergency affects your mouth, teeth, and/or gum areas. Dental emergencies are serious, and the best option is to see your dentist quickly to resolve the issue. If you’re unsure if you’re dealing with a dental emergency, ask yourself these questions:

  • Have you lost a tooth?
  • Are you bleeding from the mouth?
  • Are you experiencing major swelling in the face or mouth?
  • Do you have a loose tooth/teeth?
  • Do you have an infection?

Learn more through this Helpful Dental Emergency FAQ from Mouth Healthy

Dental Emergency: What do I do??

  • An Abscess: These often look similar to a pimple on your gums and are usually very painful. This means that your gum tissue or tooth is infected, and you need to see your dentist right away. Your dentist will often treat with antibiotics. Do not try and pop the pimple, but you can rinse with warm salt water.
  • Toothache: Until you can see your dentist, try rinsing your mouth with warm water and floss gently around the area of discomfort. This may loosen any food that is lodged. Over-the-counter pain medication or a cold compress can also help with pain. If you’re unsure if your toothache is an emergency, give us a call and we can help you get toothache relief!
  • A Knocked-Out Tooth: If your tooth is knocked-out, there’s no question about it – you’re definitely dealing with a dental emergency. If it’s completely knocked-out, grab the tooth by the crown (not the root) and call your dentist immediately. You can keep the tooth moist in a glass of milk until you see your dentist. The best chance of saving the tooth would be seeing your dentist within 30 minutes to one hour after the accident.
  • Missing Filling or Broken Crown: Having a filling that is missing can make the changes of a chipped or cracked tooth much greater because the tooth isn’t being properly supported. If a dental crown falls off or completely breaks, it leaves your tooth very vulnerable. Schedule with us quickly to possibly avoid a root canal or extraction.
  • Bleeding or Swollen Gums: Some minor bleeding or irritation here and there is usually just fine and not concerning. However, if your gums won’t stop bleeding and is accompanied with swelling, it can often mean there’s an underlying health or dental issue that needs to be addressed.
  • Exposed Nerves: Exposed nerves can be very painful, so see your dentist ASAP to avoid prolonging any intense pain.

Handling Emergencies: Emergency Dental Appointments Available at GPS Dental

9 Ways to Prevent Toothaches

Tooth decay causes most toothaches, so following a good oral hygiene routine can prevent most toothaches.

Practices of good oral hygiene are essential for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Here are the key components:

  1. Regular Brushing:
    • Brush your teeth at least twice a day, preferably in the morning and before bedtime.
    • Use a fluoride toothpaste to help prevent tooth decay and strengthen enamel.
    • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush, and replace it every three to four months or sooner if the bristles are frayed.
  2. Proper Brushing Technique:
    • Hold the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to the gums.
    • Use short, gentle strokes, focusing on cleaning each tooth’s surface, including the front, back, and chewing surfaces.
    • Don’t forget to brush your tongue to remove bacteria and freshen your breath.
  3. Flossing:
    • Floss daily to clean between teeth and remove plaque and food particles.
    • Use proper flossing technique, gently guiding the floss between teeth and curving it around each tooth in a C-shape.
  4. Mouthwash:
    • Consider using an antimicrobial or fluoride mouthwash to help reduce bacteria and strengthen teeth.
    • Use mouthwash as directed, and don’t replace it as a substitute for brushing and flossing.
  5. Healthy Diet:
    • Consume a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy products.
    • Limit sugary and acidic foods and beverages, as they can contribute to tooth decay and erosion.
  6. Limit Snacking:
    • Frequent snacking, especially on sugary or acidic foods, can contribute to tooth decay. If you snack, choose healthy options and rinse your mouth with water afterward.
  7. Stay Hydrated:
    • Drink plenty of water throughout the day to help flush away bacteria and debris, and to maintain optimal saliva production.
  8. Regular Dental Checkups:
    • Schedule regular dental checkups and cleanings with your dentist. Professional cleanings can remove plaque and tartar that regular brushing and flossing may miss.
    • Your dentist can also identify and address any oral health issues early on.
  9. Quit Smoking:
    • If you smoke, consider quitting. Smoking is a significant risk factor for gum disease and can contribute to other oral health issues.
  10. Protect Your Teeth:
    • Wear a mouthguard if you play contact sports to protect your teeth from injury.
    • Avoid using your teeth as tools to open packages or bite on hard objects.

By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can maintain good oral hygiene, prevent dental problems, and contribute to your overall health. Regular dental visits to your toothache pain dentist, Dr. Skrobanek, and his team at GPS Dental are crucial for professional assessment and intervention when needed.

We Provide Same-Day Emergency Services

Your Dental Pain is Our TOP Priority … call us today at 210-633-3477

If you are suffering from a painful dental emergency, we offer Emergency Dental Appointments, because we know they are more than just an everyday dental issue. If you’re dealing with pain or injury, it’s important to be seen right away. Our philosophy on dental emergencies is very simple “If you need toothache relief or another type of dental emergency, you are first in line… PERIOD.” Our office in San Antonio, TX is open Monday through Friday, 7 AM-5:30 PM, and our talented Dr. Skrobanek will be there to provide urgent dental care. We are willing to come in early, stay late, and even work through lunch to get you in, treated and comfortable again. Give us a call at 210-633-3477 … we can get you out of pain.

Dr. Gary P. Skrobanek’s experienced and friendly team at GPS Dental offers affordable dental care for all ages in San Antonio, TX area. Our Brooks City Base dentist office is conveniently located and offers early morning appointment times Monday through Friday to meet your needs. At GPS Dental, we promote dental health awareness to our patients and provide most dental services, from family and general dentistry to dental implantssleep apneaTMJ / TMD Treatmentcosmetic dentistry and much more. We accept most dental insurance plans and offer affordable financial solutions for any budget. Call us at 210-633-3477 to make an appointment.

Restorative Dentistry: Prevent Cracked Teeth with a Mouthguard

What Causes Cracked Teeth?

There are various ways in which teeth can become cracked or develop cracks. Cracked teeth are a common dental issue that can range from minor, superficial cracks to more severe fractures.

Here are some different ways teeth can become cracked:

  1. Chewing Hard Foods: Biting down on exceptionally hard foods, such as ice, unpopped popcorn kernels, or hard candies, can cause cracks in teeth.
  2. Trauma: Accidents, falls, or injuries to the face and mouth can lead to cracked teeth. This may occur during sports activities, car accidents, or other traumatic incidents.
  3. Teeth Grinding (Bruxism): Chronic teeth grinding, often caused by stress or misaligned teeth, can result in cracked teeth over time. The constant pressure and friction can weaken the enamel and lead to cracks.
  4. Temperature Changes: Rapid changes in temperature, such as consuming extremely hot food or beverages followed by cold items (thermal stress), can cause teeth to expand and contract, potentially leading to cracks.
  5. Biting Non-Food Objects: Some people have habits like chewing on pens, pencils, or fingernails, which can subject teeth to excessive forces and cause cracks.
  6. Age and Wear: As teeth naturally age and wear down, they become more susceptible to developing cracks. This is more common in older adults.
  7. Previous Dental Work: Teeth with large fillings or those that have undergone multiple dental procedures may be more prone to cracking.
  8. Clenching or Jaw Misalignment: Persistent clenching of the jaw or having a misaligned bite can create excessive pressure on certain teeth, potentially leading to cracks.
  9. Natural Tooth Structure: Some individuals may have tooth enamel that is inherently weaker or more prone to cracks.
  10. Unknown Causes: In some cases, teeth may develop cracks without a clear, identifiable cause.

The severity of a cracked tooth can vary widely, ranging from minor surface cracks that don’t require treatment to deep fractures that may necessitate dental intervention, such as a crown, root canal, or extraction. If you suspect you have a cracked tooth or experience any tooth pain or sensitivity, it’s crucial to consult with a dentist for a proper evaluation and appropriate treatment recommendations. Early detection and treatment can help prevent further damage and discomfort.

How to Prevent Cracked Teeth

While it’s not always possible to prevent cracked teeth entirely, there are several measures you can take to reduce the risk of experiencing cracked teeth:

  1. Protective Gear: If you engage in contact sports or activities that pose a risk of dental injury, wearing a mouthguard is essential. Custom-fitted mouthguards provided by a dentist offer the best protection.
  2. Avoid Chewing on Hard Objects: Refrain from chewing on ice, unpopped popcorn kernels, pens, pencils, or other hard objects that can potentially damage your teeth.
  3. Limit Hard or Sticky Foods: Be cautious when consuming extremely hard foods like hard candies, and avoid chewy, sticky foods that can pull on your teeth.
  4. Practice Good Oral Hygiene: Maintain regular dental check-ups and cleanings to ensure any potential issues, such as weakened enamel or large fillings, are addressed promptly.
  5. Address Bruxism: If you grind your teeth at night (bruxism), consider using a nightguard or occlusal splint. These devices help protect your teeth from the excessive forces associated with grinding.
  6. Manage Stress: Since stress can contribute to bruxism, finding healthy ways to manage stress, such as relaxation techniques or exercise, can be beneficial for your oral health.
  7. Maintain Good Nutrition: A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly calcium and vitamin D, can promote strong teeth and reduce the risk of enamel weakening.
  8. Avoid Extreme Temperature Changes: Be cautious when consuming very hot or very cold foods and beverages, as rapid temperature changes can stress your teeth.
  9. Practice Safe Dental Habits: Avoid using your teeth for tasks other than chewing food. Opening bottles, tearing packages, or biting nails can increase the risk of tooth fractures.
  10. Wear a Bite Guard: If you have a misaligned bite or clench your jaw, your dentist may recommend a bite guard to help distribute forces evenly and reduce the risk of cracking.
  11. Regular Dental Check-ups: Routine dental visits allow your dentist to identify early signs of tooth damage and provide preventive measures or treatment.

While these measures can reduce the risk of cracked teeth, accidents can still occur. If you suspect you have a cracked tooth or experience any tooth pain or sensitivity, it’s essential to seek prompt evaluation and treatment from a dentist. Early intervention can prevent the problem from worsening and ensure the best possible outcome for your oral health.

Who can Benefit from a Mouth Guard?

Mouthguards are essential for protecting your smile and are suitable for individuals of all ages, including children and adults. With many kids returning to school and participating in various sports like basketball, soccer, football, volleyball, gymnastics, and more, it’s crucial to recognize the significance of mouthguards.

Even if you or your child engage in recreational activities such as skateboarding or hiking, mouthguards offer a valuable layer of protection to reduce the risk of oral injuries and possibly prevent cracked teeth.

Moreover, mouthguards are commonly used by adults and children who experience Bruxism, a condition characterized by teeth grinding at night. At GPS Dental, we specialize in creating custom-fitted mouthguards that are not only comfortable but also perfectly tailored to fit your mouth. These mouthguards effectively safeguard your teeth during sleep, preventing damage caused by teeth grinding, and ensuring a restful night’s sleep.

Not All Mouthguards are the Same

Mouthguards are dental devices designed to protect the teeth and mouth from injury during physical activities or to address specific dental issues.

Here are some key points about mouthguards:

  1. Types of Mouthguards: There are several types of mouthguards, including:
    • Sports Mouthguards: These are commonly used by athletes to protect their teeth and mouth during contact sports or activities with a risk of dental injury.
    • Night Guards: Night guards, also known as occlusal splints, are used to manage bruxism (teeth grinding) by creating a barrier between the upper and lower teeth.
    • TMJ Mouthguards: Some mouthguards are designed to alleviate symptoms of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders by stabilizing the jaw joint.
  2. Custom vs. Over-the-Counter (OTC): Custom-fitted mouthguards are typically fabricated by dentists to provide the best fit and protection. Over-the-counter mouthguards are available at stores, but they may not offer the same level of customization and comfort.
  3. Protection: Mouthguards cushion the teeth and mouth, reducing the risk of dental injuries such as broken or cracked teeth, knocked-out teeth, and soft tissue injuries.
  4. Usage: Mouthguards are commonly used in sports like football, hockey, and boxing, where there is a high risk of oral injury. They are also utilized by people who grind their teeth at night (bruxism) to protect their teeth from damage.
  5. Maintenance: Mouthguards should be cleaned regularly with mild soap and water. It’s essential to store them in a well-ventilated case to prevent bacterial growth. Custom mouthguards may require occasional adjustments by a dentist to ensure a proper fit.
  6. Replacement: Over time, mouthguards can wear out or become less effective. It’s recommended to replace them when they show signs of wear or if they no longer fit properly.
  7. Dental Consultation: If you need a mouthguard, it’s advisable to consult with your dentist. They can assess your specific needs, take impressions for custom mouthguards, and provide guidance on proper use and care.

Advancements in dental care and materials lead to new developments in mouthguard technology and options. It’s a good idea to consult with your dentist for the most up-to-date information and recommendations regarding mouthguards.

Custom Mouthguards aren’t just for Sports

While the term ‘custom mouthguard’ often brings to mind protection during sports, it’s important to recognize that not all mouthguards serve the same purpose. The Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD), as we fondly refer to it, is a unique nighttime mouthguard.

Unlike sports mouthguards, the MAD is designed to fit snugly over both your upper and lower jaws. Its primary goal is to gently pull forward and reposition your jaw, creating an unobstructed airway. This repositioning can significantly reduce snoring and greatly enhance your breathing while you sleep.

The Benefits of Mouth Guards

Mouthguards protect your smile, whether you’re an athlete or grind your teeth while you sleep!

  • When we play sports. Mouthguards are great athletic gear, especially for collision sports such as boxing, higher-risk sports, and non-contact activities. 
  • When we’re sleeping. If you’re experiencing sleep apnea or breathing problems when sleeping, mouthguards can help. Research shows that oral appliance therapy, or a mouth guard, is an effective treatment option for sleep apnea and snoring. This mouth guard is worn only while you sleep and fits like an orthodontic retainer. These oral appliances support your jaw, to help maintain an open upper airway even as your muscles relax.
  • When we’re stressed and/or clench our teeth. When we’re dealing with stress, we can unconsciously clench our jaws and teeth during the day and during the night. With the additional stress that has come with a year and a half COVID-19, many dentists are seeing their patients break their teeth or crowns from clenching. Mouthguards provide a great way to prevent cracked teeth!

Does Stress Impact Oral Health?

Certainly, stress can have a significant impact on oral health. Addressing these issues is essential to maintaining a healthy mouth. Here’s an outline of the six main ways stress can affect oral health:

  • Gum Disease: Chronic stress can weaken the immune system, making it more challenging for the body to fight off infections, including gum disease. Stress can also lead to changes in oral hygiene habits, which can further contribute to gum problems.
  • Bruxism (Teeth Grinding): Stress and anxiety are common triggers for teeth grinding and clenching, which can lead to tooth damage, jaw pain, and headaches.
  • Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ): Stress-related clenching and grinding can strain the temporomandibular joint, potentially leading to TMJ disorder, characterized by jaw pain, difficulty in opening or closing the mouth, and clicking or popping sounds in the jaw.
  • Dry Mouth: Stress can cause dry mouth, reducing saliva production. Saliva is essential for maintaining oral health as it helps neutralize acids, wash away food particles, and fight bacteria.
  • Canker Sores: Stress may increase the likelihood of developing painful canker sores in the mouth.
  • Neglecting Oral Hygiene: During times of stress, individuals may neglect their oral hygiene routine, including brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups, which can lead to various dental problems.

We feel it’s important to raise awareness about these connections between stress and oral health and encourage individuals to manage stress effectively through relaxation techniques, exercise, and seeking support when needed. Additionally, maintaining consistent oral hygiene practices and seeking dental care for stress-related oral issues are essential steps to prevent cracked teeth and preserve oral health during stressful times.

Related Article: Stressed Out Oral Health: Gum Disease, Clenching and Grinding

Do You Grind Your Teeth?

One common consequence of stress is teeth grinding, a condition known as bruxism. Stress can cause us to clench our jaws and grind our teeth during the day and even at night. For individuals already struggling with teeth grinding, stress can exacerbate the problem, making it even more challenging to handle and even more difficult to prevent cracked teeth.

Untreated bruxism can lead to serious issues like loosening teeth and temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), which results in pain and discomfort in the jaw. To address this, consider discussing night guard options with us to effectively put a stop to teeth grinding while you sleep.

During the day, it’s essential to be mindful of any jaw clenching and make an effort to relax your jaw when possible. Try to keep your teeth slightly apart when you’re not actively chewing or eating. These simple strategies can help mitigate the effects of stress-induced teeth grinding and promote better oral health.

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea, while a relatively new term for many, is a common sleep disorder that affects individuals worldwide. This chronic condition is often characterized by loud and disruptive snoring. It occurs when a person experiences shallow or frequent pauses in their breathing during a typical night’s sleep.

While initially, it may seem like a mere nuisance and potentially an issue for sleeping partners, sleep apnea can be a significant health concern. It carries the potential to increase the risk of various health problems, including high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, complications during pregnancy, and a range of other issues.

Recognizing the signs of sleep apnea and seeking appropriate diagnosis and treatment is essential to mitigate its potential health consequences and improve overall well-being.

Learn more about Sleep Apnea

GPS Dental Can Help You Prevent Cracked Teeth

Dr. Skrobanek and his team at GPS Dental can play a crucial role in helping you prevent cracked teeth by crafting a custom mouthguard or oral appliance designed for nighttime use. These devices not only protect your teeth but also have a positive impact on your dental and mental health. There’s a strong connection between dental health and mental well-being, and fortunately, mouthguards provide an effective solution. They not only safeguard your teeth but can also assist in managing issues like sleep apnea and snoring.

Each mouthguard is meticulously custom-made by Dr. Skrobanek to ensure a comfortable fit that keeps your teeth separated, preventing them from grinding together. This personalized approach ensures that you get the maximum benefit from your mouthguard while promoting your overall oral health and quality of sleep.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

While the CPAP machine remains the most effective treatment for advanced cases of sleep apnea, such as complex sleep apnea, it’s crucial to acknowledge that it might not be the right solution for everyone. If the CPAP machine doesn’t work for you, it might be time to consider a Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD).

At GPS Dental, Dr. Skrobanek can provide you with a customized MAD appliance. This custom mouthguard is designed to be both durable and comfortable for use during sleep. Importantly, many insurance plans typically cover the cost of this treatment, making it a viable and accessible option for addressing sleep apnea and it just might help you prevent cracked teeth.

Dr. Gary P. Skrobanek’s experienced and friendly team at GPS Dental offers affordable dental care for all ages in San Antonio, TX area. Our Brooks City Base dentist office is conveniently located and offers early morning appointment times Monday through Friday to meet your needs. At GPS Dental, we promote dental health awareness to our patients and provide most dental services, from family and general dentistry to dental implantssleep apneaTMJ / TMD Treatmentcosmetic dentistry and much more. We accept most dental insurance plans and offer affordable financial solutions for any budget. Call us at 210-633-3477 to make an appointment. 

Emergency Dental Appointments Available at GPS Dental

So many things in our lives can be confusing and complicated – ordering for multiple people at
Starbucks, figuring out dinners every week, finding a new doctor, filing your taxes, etc. We’re here to
make the dental care aspect of your life simple and straightforward!

At GPS Dental, we are accepting new patients and offer emergency dental appointments.
Look no further and give us a call today to set up a routine appointment, get help for a dental
emergency, or discover more about our services.

We Make it Simple for New Patients

If you’re a new patient, our website offers a convenient link to our new patient forms, along with helpful resources, including information on our dental emergency services, dental anxiety tips and tricks, and dental services we offer.

Emergency Dental Appointments

Our philosophy on dental emergencies is very simple “If you need toothache relief or are having another type of dental emergency, you are first in line … PERIOD.”

Our goal is to provide:

  • Immediate relief
  • Gentle care
  • Proven results

Here are some Dental Emergency Tips from the American Dental Association.

We Offer Same Day Emergency Dental Appointments

We set aside time in our schedule every day to help with dental emergencies. We want to help you the same-day or ASAP to eliminate your pain and find a solution that works for you.

Common dental emergencies include:

  • Missing tooth/knocked-out tooth
  • Swollen and/or bleeding gums
  • Broken tooth
  • Chipped or cracked tooth
  • Unexplainable toothache/severe toothache
  • Abscessed tooth
  • Exposed nerves
  • Swollen mouth or jaw
  • Broken crown
  • Missing filling

Related Article: Common Dental Emergencies

If you’re unsure if you’re dealing with an emergency problem, ask yourself:

  • Am I in severe pain?
  • Am I bleeding?
  • Am I missing a tooth?
  • Is my mouth or gum swollen?
  • Do I have an infection?

If you answer YES to anything, give us a call immediately for care. Our team of experts are caring and informed, and can help you with a dental emergency. Please call our office at 210-633-3477 and we will schedule your emergency dental appointment as quickly as possible.

Related Articles:

Importance of Calling Your Dentist for Emergencies 

Although oral pain and trauma may not seem like a huge deal, it cannot be ignored. Small problems can escalate and cause more pain in the future, so seeing your dentist for any emergency treatment is imperative. If you’re unsure if you’re dealing with a dental emergency, please give us a call. However, a good rule of thumb is – if it hurts, then it’s an emergency. 

Related: Dental Emergency Q&A  

GPS Dental Can Get You OUT of Pain!!

At GPS Dental we are prepared to assist our patients when a dental emergency occurs. When patients call in this type of scenario, we always do our best to accommodate same-day emergency appointments. You may not be able to anticipate when a dental emergency will happen; however, you can rest assured that you will receive swift expert emergency care when you call our office. If you’re experiencing a dental emergency, remember … Emergency Dental Appointments are Available at GPS Dental.

Please give us a call at 210-633-3477 and let us know you are experiencing tooth pain.

Dr. Gary P. Skrobanek’s experienced and friendly team at GPS Dental offers affordable dental care for all ages in San Antonio, TX area. Our Brooks City Base dentist office is conveniently located and offers early morning appointment times Monday through Friday to meet your needs. At GPS Dental, we promote dental health awareness to our patients and provide most dental services, from family and general dentistry to dental implantssleep apneaTMJ / TMD Treatmentcosmetic dentistry and much more. We accept most dental insurance plans and offer affordable financial solutions for any budget. Call us at 210-633-3477 to make an appointment

National Toothache Day: GPS Dental Can Get You OUT of PAIN!


Toothaches, or any kind of ache really, are never fun to experience. With National Toothache Day approaching on February 9, 2022, we thought we’d take a look at some common dental emergencies and the importance of seeing your dentist if you may be experiencing any toothaches, oral pain or problems. Remember, if you’re overdue for a dental appointment, call us today to get that scheduled and stay on top of your oral health, which can help avoid some dental emergencies in the future.

Related Article: Toothache Causes: My Tooth is Throbbing! What do I do?

How to Tell It’s a Dental Emergency

Not every situation is a dental emergency, but it’s important to know when you need to call your dentist right away. If you’re unsure, ask yourself these questions:

  • Are you in severe pain?
  • Are you bleeding from the mouth?
  • Do you have a loose tooth/teeth?
  • Do you have an infection?
  • Have you lost a tooth?
  • Are you experiencing major swelling in the face or mouth?

In general, if you need to stop any major bleeding, pain, or save a tooth – there’s no doubt you’re dealing with a dental emergency. Let’s take a look at some of the more common dental emergencies we see.

Related Article: Experiencing Tooth Pain? When it’s Time to Visit the Dentist

5 Most Common Dental Emergencies

  1. Broken Crown – If a dental crown falls off or completely breaks, it leaves your tooth very vulnerable. Schedule with us quickly to possibly avoid a root canal or extraction.
  2. Knocked-out Tooth/Teeth – If you’ve ever had a tooth knocked out, you know what a shock that can be. When you act quickly after a tooth has been knocked out, it’s possible that we may be able to reinsert your tooth. Pick up the tooth carefully, try not to touch the root, and gently rinse. Try to reinsert the tooth into the socket, but if you can’t, place in a small container of milk until you see your dentist.
  3. Unexplainable Toothache – If you have a sudden, out-of-the-blue toothache, it’s important to reach out quickly to discover the source of the pain. While over-the-counter pain meds and a cold compress can help temporarily, it’s good to get to the source of the pain sooner rather than later; your odds of a minor fix will be much greater the faster you see your dentist.
  4. Bleeding or Swollen Gums – Some minor bleeding or irritation here and there is usually just fine and not concerning. However, if your gums won’t stop bleeding and is accompanied with swelling, it can often mean there’s an underlying health or dental issue that needs to be addressed.
  5. Food or Object Lodged in Teeth – If an object piece or stubborn piece of food gets lodged, brushing and flossing won’t help. Get professional help quickly to remove the food/object and prevent any decay or irritation.

Related Article: Handling Dental Emergencies

GPS Dental Can Get You OUT of Pain!!

National Toothache Day is not cause for celebration; however, If you’re experiencing a dental emergency, remember Emergency Dental Appointments are Available at GPS Dental. Please give us a call at 210-633-3477 and let us know you are experiencing tooth pain.

Dr. Gary P. Skrobanek’s experienced and friendly team at GPS Dental offers affordable dental care for all ages in San Antonio, TX area. Our Brooks City Base dentist office is conveniently located and offers early morning appointment times Monday through Friday to meet your needs. At GPS Dental, we promote dental health awareness to our patients and provide most dental services, from family and general dentistry to dental implantssleep apneaTMJ / TMD Treatmentcosmetic dentistry and much more. We accept most dental insurance plans and offer affordable financial solutions for any budget. Call us at 210-633-3477 to make an appointment

Accidents Happen: Emergency Dental Care

emergency-dental-careImagine enjoying a wonderful holiday break with your family. As you sit down to have a meal together, you experience an unpleasant surprise. When you bite into your food you feel a cracking sensation, followed by a sharp pain in your mouth. As the stinging in your mouth continues to worsen, the reality of what has just happened sets in; you have just broken a tooth and need emergency dental care!

Unfortunately, this make-believe scenario has been a reality for many people; when you break a tooth it’s often a sudden, unplanned problem that delays any plans you may have, because all you can think about is getting out of pain!

Who will you call when you need emergency dental care?

At GPS Dental we are prepared to assist our patients when a dental emergency occurs. When patients call in this type of scenario, we always do our best to accommodate same day emergency appointments.

There are normally two reasons for emergency dental care, restorative and cosmetic.

We provide restorative emergency dental care to help our patients to get out of pain as quickly as possible.  There are cosmetic reasons for requiring an emergency visit as well. Perhaps you have a presentation to give, or an important meeting to attend, or maybe child has a school photo in the next couple of days.

These are both valid and understandable reasons for requesting an emergency visit, and here at GPS Dental we are willing to help address these unexpected issues when they arise.

Sports Injuries can cause a dental emergency.

Injuries to the mouth and teeth during physical activity and playing sports are easily prevented with a custom-made mouthguard by the staff at GPS Dental.

A mouthguard is an essential piece of athletic gear that should be part of your standard equipment from an early age. Studies show that athletes are 60 times more likely to suffer injury to the teeth if they’re not wearing a mouthguard.

Broken teeth and injuries to your lips, face, jaw or tongue can be minimized, because mouthguards help cushion a blow to the face since they are typically covering the upper teeth.

The best type of mouthguard is one that has been custom-made and fitted for your mouth by Dr. Skrobanek and his team at GPS Dental. If you wear braces or another fixed dental appliance on your lower jaw, your dentist may suggest a mouth protector for these teeth as well.

If you have a removable appliance or retainer, do not wear it during contact sports.

Other Reasons for needing emergency dental care:

  • Knocked Out Tooth
  • Chipped or Broken Tooth
  • Partially Dislodged Tooth
  • Abscess
  • Toothache
  • Lost Filling
  • Lost Crown

Related article: Handling Dental Emergencies

You may not be able to anticipate when a dental emergency will happen; however, you can rest assured that you will receive swift expert emergency care when you call our office.

Dr. Gary P. Skrobanek and his experienced, friendly team at GPS Dental offer affordable family dentistry and gentle dental care in the San Antonio, TX area. Our office is conveniently located and offers early morning appointment times Monday through Friday to meet your needs. At GPS Dental, we provide most dental services, from family and general dentistry to dental implants, sleep apnea, TMJ / TMD Treatment, cosmetic dentistry and much more. We accept most dental insurance plans and offer affordable financial solutions for any budget. Call us at (210) 633-3477 to make an appointment.